Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Differences between the Musitronics and WD Orange Squeezers.

Ever since I became interested in the Dan Armstrong effects I've heard that the WD versions were different and not as good as the originals. 
A friend recently gave me a WD Orange Squeezer and I just couldn't get it to sound like the Musitronics version I have.
So today I finally traced the WD to see where they differ. 

The most obvious differences are that the WD uses an LF351 chip, SK30A JFETs and a silicon diode,
whereas the Dan Armstrong used a 4558, 2N5457's and a germanium diode. 

Here's the schematic and PCB layout for the Musitronics version: 

And here's the WD:

If you see any errors, please let me know and I'll do my best to correct them. 


Friday, June 2, 2023

Yellow Humper

PCB layout:


I drew all of these based on pictures I found online. Most (if not all) the schematics I could find for these online did not match up with the detailed pictures of the circuit boards I had found. The only original one I own myself is the purple peaker and when I compare that to the copy I made based on the drawings, they sound identical. These really are wonderful effects, some more subtle than others.
My hope is that this will make people build copies instead of ruining/rehousing the vintage units.
Please give me a little credit and Dan Armstrong a hell of a lot more credit if this helps you in any way.


/Åke Strömer

Blue Clipper




Red Ranger

PCB layout:



Purple Peaker

PCB layout:



Green Ringer



PCB layout:

Orange Squeezer

PCB layout:


Tuesday, January 17, 2023