Monday, October 1, 2018

Movement MCS Drum Computer mk2

I really want to build a copy of this. So if anyone knows how to program a sequencer that works kind of like this, please let me know... 
Most drum sequencers I find online are unnecessarily complicated. I'd just like to program 6-8, 16 step trigger outputs. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

HH Clockwork Concubine

I think I finally figured it out!

I'm getting a flanging sound but it doesn't sound quite right yet. So maybe the voltages are wrong, or me or a previous owner has fried the pedal attempting to make it work. But the reticon SAD1024 seems to be working.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The OH! NO! Fuzz

My version of Mr Bill's Pussy Fuzz. 
His version of the Harmonic Percolator.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Harmonic Percolator / Mr Bill's Pussy Fuzz

 I decided I had too much time, so I wasted a whole bunch researching this very cool copy of the Harmonic Percolator. Made by Mr Bill of Evanston, IL for Steve Albini and Pussy Galore.

This picture is from the Electrical Audio website.

At another website I found pictures of another unit, what the inside looks like and the schematic:
(That page is now "invite only" But you can see it here: )

Which I used to make these:

The enclosure is an Archer 270-282 Mini Slope enclosure from radio shack. Made by T-Sin in Japan.

The knobs are most likely made by Rogan Bros. The same company that made the fender knobs back in the day and knobs for other brands like Gibson, Supro and... more.

It looks like you can still get them for your "Henny Penny" HC-941 heating cabinet.

The Potentiometers are CTS and the footswitch looks like a Carling 316-PP and the jacks look like switchcraft. 

Bored yet?